Thursday, February 21, 2019
Autism and Psychology
Autism Man is by nature a brotherly animal(prenominal) an individual who is un tender naturally and non accidentally is either on a lower floor our nonice or more than hu musical composition (Aristotle, 328 B. C. in Aron intelligence, 1995). We have been inhabiting from birth to need and trust and fondize with cardinal another in miscellaneous ways. Yet, why is it so difficult for substantially-nigh besides not for others. I have a four year old afflicted son that excessively has severe amaze moral delays due to prematurity and deliver complications. There atomic number 18 days that he gets frustrated at not up to now being able to communicate basic needs or just wants to be in his own world, left to his own device.That for any superstar is rough, scarcely knowing I am his mother makes it worse. Social interaction is such an primal part of growing as not only a human being, that also for the brain. Even from the beginning of time man has leaned on the premise o f needing that companionship and contact with the world around them. creation from the South, you be instructed and taught from day one to be cordial and have social interactions regularly with others in and out of your class, race, or religion. But what if you sternnot convey and have-to doe with to the social customs? Does that mean you are to forever be denominate as a deviant, eccentric, or antisocial?If it is funding that you have mental issues you dont discuss them or you are forever looked at as a shaver. Traditionally, that means that these individuals were ostracized, stigmatized and sluice eliminated for the good of the whole, as the compromised the actually fabric of fraternity by proposing to build a group of individuals, approximately same a cult, that were interconnected forever( Aronson, 1995). Animal dealvas subjects have been head conditioned to run through mazes or pressed bars for regimen or to avoid electric shocks administered by researchers likew ise humans accompany within similar consequences.Furthermore, it has also been documented that behavior prompt by external consequences is relatively short-lived, ceasing with the consequence is no longer available (Thompson, & Iwata, 2001). This can unconstipated be seen when a mother is watching her children, and then locomote out. The children construe to behave in both situations and the latter situation may have a punishment if that direction is not followed properly. Yet, as concisely as the mother steps out, the non-conformist child willing misbehave, only because of the punishment, even if the other sibling(s) is behaving themselves properly.Something stops a child like this from comprehending why this is legal injury and what is truly acceptable. This may be in part to some issues with the connections to neuro-transmitters or wish thereof. Often propagation these children are not even motivated by reward organizations, they will continue to misbehave at some point even when the mother returns, al nearly challenging her. Therefore, they will neer be in society as an integral part, barely as part of the problem. This, however, is not true for Autistic children.They wish to be the same, except a gain ground, the neuro-transmitters misfire and do not allow for them to compare apples to oranges. In 1943 social lion Kanner named such children as, socially withdrawn. He outlined the social disorder in 11 boys that he studied as an autistic disturbance of emotive contact because of their apparent disinterest in other people and unfitness to be socially influenced (Kanner, 1943, in Frith, 1989). In spite of this, in 1984 the American psychiatrical Association, deemed this as a distributive disorder, among others, and now it is simply know as Autism (APA, 1984).Over the past ten years Autism has been redefined again as the most complicated neurological disorder affecting the central nervous trunk of a large number of people. It is also the mos t confusing and pervasive of the developmental disorders as little is known for a cause, there is no cure, and treatments vary among individuals (Frith & Happe, 1994). The typical stereotype of an individual with autism describes a withdrawn, mute child with an inverted gaze engaged in repetitive activities or self-stimulatory behaviors, ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder, ranges from severe to very mild(Mesibov & Burack, 2001).Yet, the ones that have such disorders, have recently been label as Autistic due to lack of social prowess and thoroughgoing knowledge and fixation on one profession. These sub scores of children can often times appear normal within the number one year but diverge regressing in knowledge and skill, or not improving or gain skills at all. Eventually, one can build a wall to even keep family out, or fixate on something so hard it becomes an coercion or routine that if stopped could be mentally, physically, and socially detrimental(Kennedy & Shukla, 1995).Alth ough, it is also important to remember that individuals with ASD are not totally withdrawn, socially and may even interact from time to time, but this can be limited. I know as more going from hearing your child say I love you and hug often, to once or twice week is difficult. The first time my son ran and hugged me and looked me in the eye was very emotional for me, but he did not understand. This leads to my next point cognition. As I verbalize before many ASD children do not understand emotions or are seldom empathetic. They may ask questions about the emotions you are leavening but do not fully understand what you are telling them.This again is due to a misfiring of neuor-transmitters. That is why so many ASD children really like Thomas the Train. He teaches them emotions and what the facial expressions mean. My son now understand crying, anger, and excitement. Therefore, enchantment they have a social desire, the interference in the cognitive governing body proves to be th e main problem (Happe, 1999 Baron-Cohen, 1985 Dodge, 1980). cognitive processing systems such as motivation, decision making and emotions are believed to be prompted when one responds to stimuli.These stimuli characterize the variant mental states (desires, imagination, emotions, etc. ) that psychologists believe to be the cause of ones actions. Yet, without appropriately develop social cognition individuals have hassle forming social relationships with others and this is evidenced by poor social behavior (Baron-Cohen, 2000). A study was designed to test this possibleness, and it found that 64% of individuals with ASD have first degree relatives with more panoptic mental health issues, like major depression, and 39% had other social phobias (Smalley, et al, 1995).That being said, one can conclude that unlike other studies, ASD by chance a genetic disease mutated from other mental illness issues. This would also help the justice system that was once scandalized by improprieties of confidence games due to a lack of knowledge. By understanding what type of ASD and the severity one can simply argue mental illness? Now I am not condoning every run out on the crazy defense, but if the shoe fits, why would we just put someone who is innocent into the system as done years ago.Think of the good old days when one could be simply thrown in jail for no id or not talking but if you have a mentally ill or developmentally disabled individual, and you put them in an environment that is rough, harsh, and not anything like their routine, it is no wonder why we had so many inmate suicides and still do inmates slip through the cracks continuously. But we may never see that happen due to public opinion. We as a society look at children with developmental delays or ASD as animals. I decree it sickening. Or we think the parent does not discipline the child.Yet, due to lack of cognitive understanding, it would gain to reason why one does not good from punishing this type of child they simply do not understand and are eager to please. Some may disagree but my sons doctor actually explained to us that anything more than timeout/cool down feather period would be over his head. Even taking away toys would be ineffective. So the next time you are at a retentivity take that into countation. Now that I am off of my soapbox consider this The acceptance of inadequacies in the empathizing process of individuals with Autism can offer more security deposit of the behaviors they display.Thus, they are not capable enough to calculate the conduct of others right away and we would expect an avoidance of impulsive situations. This is apparent in the outbursts and obsessive behaviors these individuals show in an effort to control and maintain routines in their environments (Dodge, 1980). Now some can point to stunning issues, needing to feel secure through diverse methods close to the five senses. A lot of the Autism community says that therapies for these aversio ns and how to cope will cause the ASD patient to understand, control, and manipulate to achieve a normal life.Nevertheless, the sensory struggles coincide with socio-emotional issues and are noted as early as infancy. Hence, the various longitudinal studies of infants later diagnosed with autism show empty eye gaze, poor reply to name, aloofness, reduced looking-at-faces, and deficits in directing attention (Mottron & Burack, 2001). And while it appears that these skills, as well as impairments in early social- conversation skills and joint attention are collapse long before speech and mind blindness develop (Koegel & Mentis, 1985 Shanker, 2004 move & Gould, 1979).Additionally, developmental theories on attachment and affective responsiveness have suggested that children with damage social emotional relating in infancy will not develop appropriate social understanding and as a result social interaction and communication skills will suffer (Kennedy & Shukla, 1995). In spite of th at, Supporters of the theory of mind suggest that people with Autism lack the ability to comprehend thoughts and experiences that pop off outside of themselves (Happe, 1991).While I can see that, since my son gets stuck on one thing that happened and will talk about it for months as though it happened yesterday, the difficulty in understanding the mental thoughts of others often results in bizarre communication patterns (Happe, 1999). Thus, blindness and a clear lack of meeting of the minds, also appears to interfere with the ability to identify with others or to understand another persons point of meet (Shanker, 2004). So do we really know what people with Autism need, or are we just grabbing air in a world full of marshmallows? BibliographyAmerican psychiatric Association DSM-IV (1984). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. ). American Psychiatric Association. Aronson, E. (1995). The social animal. (7th ed. ). forward-looking York, NY W. H. Freeman and Company. Baron-Cohen, S. (1985). Mindblindness An essay on autism and theory of mind. Cambridge, mom MIT Press. Baron-Cohen, S. (2000). Theory of mind and autism A fifteen year review. In S. Baron-Cohen, H. Tager-Flusberg D. J. Cohen (Eds), consciousness other minds perspectives from developmental cognitive neuroscience (pp. 3-20).Oxford Oxford University Press. Dodge, K. 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