
Sunday, March 10, 2019

The 20th Century State of the American Dream

The Ameri back day- pipe vision has always been a popular and typical subject matter in literature and arts in the United States. Though non a lot of tribe may be able to define the name in technical detail, Ameri keeps certainly know it by heart. The American dream has grown to a multitude of meanings over the years. A 15-year old lady friend may follow up the American dream as winning Ms. ground forces and being able to re nowadays her country in front of the safe and sound world. A young college student on the hand may see it as finding the most promising job and succeeding in his dream profession someday.While a newly wed man may see the American dream as acquiring his own endure and property in a typical sub-urban ara where he can start his life with his family calmly and peacefully. These be just some feasible faces of American dream nursing homed on the perspectives of Americans from different walks of life. However, the real and concrete definition of ideal may not be that certain. The American dream occupy excessively been find to evolve through the years since it has to base itself on the necessity of the American golf-club.And considering the current disk operating system of the American fellowship in this modern age of the 20th century, the American dream can be tardily seen as the vision of America as an economically stable, politically peaceful and societally harmonious lay. In this light, one may easily see how the different sectors of the country contributes to the achievement of this dream. However, although it can be observed that all of the Americans visions are directed to this goal, on that point may still be things that oppose the achievement of this supreme dream.In Loren Hickocks letter to Harry Hopkins in 1934 reveals the responsibility of America, and this was reflected in this statement A Promised Land, bathed in golden cheerlight, is rising step to the fore of the grey shadows of want and squalor and wret hchedness down here in the Tennessee vale these days (Hichock, 1934). The United States of America as the nation on which the grow of the state if Tennessee stands was evidently described as a gifted nation showered with golden sunlight. This entails a lot of positive things. This can entail how flush the soil of America is, and this can entail how great it natural resources are.This could have made the American Dream reachable if only the showers of the golden sun was put to good use. In the same letter by Hickock, she describes the state of American farm lands in Tennessee and how these lands, despite their arability and richness do not even grow sufficient crops for people to consume. Hickock writes, Crops grown on it are stunted. Corn, for instance, grows only about a third as tall there as it does in Iowa. They tell me it isnt even good timber land. full a thin coating of soil over rock. (Hickock, 1934). This was during the 1930s.The situations at pre displace may already b e the same, but these confessions may reveal a pre-existing predicament which may have found its way to the grow of all Americans. A similar situation to this which can be seen to hinder America in achieving its ultimate dream is peoples waste of resources. Just exchangeable the failure of earlier Americans to maximize the capacity or arable lands in Tennessee, American nowadays are suffered with debts and unnecessary fiscal debts that eventually contrive them fail in balancing and maximizing their prime resource which is money.Aside from the predicament on resources, one of the most significant dilemmas of Americans that may have hindered them for so long in achieving the American dream is racial discrimination and discrimination on religion. The popular mens magazine in the US, Playboy conducted an interview with Malcolm X regarding the state of racism in America. During the 1960s. In Malcom Xs answers, his view of the American dream was clear however, the destruction of this dream was depicted even clearer. Malcom X says Freedom, arbitrator and equality are our principal ambitions The white man has taught the black people in this country to hate themselves as inferior, to hate each other, to be divided against each other the brainwashed black man can neer learn to stand on his own both feet until he is on his own. We must learn to become our own producers, manufacturers and traders we must have effort of our own,to employ our own (Playboy Interview Malcolm X, Alex Haley, 1963). In these lines, the division amongst black and whites Americans was very apparent.It seemed like these people were living in two separate nations, when in fact, there were sharing one ground. Hence, there was a good deal no concrete sense of unity during that time. And although most Americans would claim that racism has finally found its end in the country, it can never be denied that it has created a serious scar in Americas history. That although the current American so ciety may be doing everything to heal the issue, the scar will always be there and it will never be erased in Americas face.This can also be one of the most significant and considerable hindrances of achieving the American dream. Today, almost everything is being commercialized already. Everything seems to have a price tag. Because of this, people are becoming more and more competitive against each other to the fulfilment that human rights violations are committed against their own countrymen. Evidently, in this kind of situation, achieving the ultimate American dream would be impossible. America has always been deemed as the land of the shrive.But considering how pressured, restrained and oppressed people are now due to financial debts, poltical predicaments and economic instability, America may not be totally free after all. At least not yet. This picture can be easily seen in this statement of Hickock in the same letter she sent to Hopkins And all over the state, in rural area s, the story is the same an illiterate, woeful people, undernourished, with standards of living so low that, once on relief, they are quite willing to stay living so low that, once on relief, they are quite willing to stay there for the rest of their lives. Its a mess (Hickock, 1934)

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